Tuesday 31 December 2013

New adventures of a crafting newby...

Ok well, the 'happy' byproduct of my having spent the last few months in fervent pursuit of my perfect arty/crafty 'thing' is that I seem to have tried a lot of different things for the first time (craft wise)...

...the thing is pretty much all things art and craft are quite expensive to start off with (e.g.. buying equipment and stuff if you're starting from scratch so I thought it might be helpful if I wrote about my past/present and future projects here and maybe help anyone happening to read this by saving them a little time and money or even give a bit of inspiration....if I'm lucky! ;)

So first up is Polymer Clay or Fimo or Sculpey or whatever else people call it. I decided to try and make some stuff..I mean what would go wrong right?

Project 1. Polymer Clay 

First up there is some amazing stuff online, I mean really beautiful...you would really never know it was made from what was originally marketed as a children's modelling medium (I think it was anyway)!

I like to think of myself as being to turn my hand to pretty much anything creative (wether I'm any good at it is another thing altogether....the phrase 'jack of all trades, master of none' springs to mind)..

Anyway I stumbled upon this urban artist polymer clay genius and was very much inspired by his work, he doesn't appear to have a website as such but you can feast your peepers on a load of his stuff here Cityzen Kane

....and here's my first attempt using polymer clay and crystal resin (I will come to this later)

Obviously nothing close to the above on my part but I was fairly pleased as it was my first attempt! ;)

I made this using a (very) rudimentary 'cane'...basically the cane method is the 'be all and end all' of polymer clay art as far as I can see...if you can make clever canes then you can create fairly complicated looking pieces, be it jewellery or something similar to our friend Cityzen Kane up above...I just haven't got around to it yet...(ahem)

Here are a couple of tutorials from the very simple to the downright complicated....both very effective in their own ways though.

I loved this Cheetah/leopard print one too, I made this which I might turn into a centrepiece for a sculpture...will keep you posted!